RTT, a pioneering mind therapy

RTT is a pioneering therapy, developed over the last 30 years by Marisa Peer. It has won numerous accolades and is hailed as a revolutionary long-term treatment for many problems that occur in the mind.

It delivers incredible, fast and effective results which often take talking therapists years to achieve.

01 What is RTT?

Using hypnotherapy as a holistic approach, and its ability to awaken the subconscious mind, RTT blends together different practises of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT.

As an RTT therapist, I can help you understand, re-programme and transform your underlying beliefs, patterns, thoughts, emotions and behaviours that have been holding you back; freeing your mind effectively and permanently.

02 How does RTT work?

It’s not magic, it is a precise science. By awakening the subconscious mind, RTT helps to uncover any limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding you back.   

With RTT, I am able to help you re-programme these negativities and reframe them in to new empowering versions; freeing your mind, delivering results and creating success in your life.

03 How can RTT help?

RTT helps create a free and happy mind and can help you in many areas of your life. Whether you’ve gone through a past trauma, have a habit you can’t break, or would like to progress in your career through becoming more confident, the tools and techniques I use in RTT will get to the root cause of the issue, rather than just address the symptoms.

Change starts within you and your willingness and commitment to do so.

How RTT Works

"Change your thinking and it will change your life!"
Marisa Peer

What should I expect?

In your therapy session you will experience a deep state of relaxation. You will remain in control and often be fully aware, but your conscious mind will be free to drift off, allowing your subconscious mind to awaken and become highly receptive to positive suggestion.

Through RTT, I use hypnotherapy to awaken your subconscious mind. Hypnosis allows us to work below the level of conscious thought, allowing you to become aware of details you may not have been aware of before. It will give us powerful insight in to the issue, and is paramount in helping to understand the root cause of the problem

During hypnosis, you will be in a deep state of relaxation. You will be aware of what is going on, will feel in control and by using the correct tools, I will ensure you feel safe and comfortable in revisiting any memories associated with the issue or trauma. I will carefully untangle it to decipher any associated emotions, meaning and beliefs you may have created at the time or after the incident. Through hypnosis, the subconscious mind is open to powerful suggestion and we will re-frame the issue with powerful, positive new beliefs and let go of the old, negative ones.

RTT doesn’t stop after the session. For the next 21 days, you will listen to a personalised 20 minute recording every day. This will lock in the changes in your subconscious mind, freeing you of your visible or perceived symptoms and empowering you to cement new, healthy beliefs, disregarding the negative ones. 21 days is the minimum timeframe that the subconscious takes to embed a new belief or habit.

My expertise

Some of the specialist areas I treat are:
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