

Does it work?

Yes! RTT has worked for millions of people around the world, for a whole wealth of different issues. It has won numerous accolades and continues to grow year on year as a therapy treatment. It is simple, it is effective, it is safe and the results are proven.

How long does it take?

Most issues can be treated within one RTT session, which will last 90-120 minutes. Some issues may require follow up sessions.

Am I awake during the session?

RTT uses hypnosis which creates a state of relaxed awareness. You are awake, fully aware and in control and I will ensure you feel safe and comfortable throughout the session. You can’t get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis, that is a myth and you will be talking with me throughout the session.

What should I expect?

You will experience a deep state of relaxation, remain in control and often be fully aware, but your conscious mind will be free to drift off, allowing your subconscious mind to awaken. We are working below the level of conscious thought, allowing you to become aware of details you may not have been aware of before. Regression is an important part of RTT to draw out any details, understanding and attached feelings you have about the issue. It will give us powerful insight in to the issue, and is paramount in helping to understand the root cause of the issue. The subconscious mind is open to powerful suggestion allowing us to re-frame old, negative beliefs with powerful, positive ones.

Where do you carry out sessions?

All tranformational sessions are conducted via the Zoom platform online, for which you will need a stable internet connection.  This means you can start your healing journey from anywhere in the world.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your therapy will depend on your specific requirements.

We will start with an initial discovery consultation (30 minute session), which is completely FREE of charge.

After the consultation, I will a proposal for your transformation journey, dependent on your individual needs and budget.   

Costs of treatment plan start at £97 for a prescribed hypnotic recording. You can now pay with Paypal, Visa, Mastercard as well as cash or cheque.

What does it feel like?

During hypnosis, you will be in a deep state of relaxation. Hypnosis feels different for everyone, and may feel differently each time you are hypnotised. Some feel a deep relaxation, and some a sleepy, floating sensation and a trance-like state. You will be aware of what is going on, will feel in control and by using the correct tools, I will ensure you feel safe and comfortable in revisiting any memories associated with the issue or trauma. I then will carefully untangle it to decipher any associated emotions, meaning and beliefs that you created at the time or after the incident. 

What happens after the session?

RTT doesn’t stop after the session. For the next 21 days, you will listen to a personalised 20 minute recording every day. This will lock in the changes in your subconscious mind, freeing you of your visible or perceived symptoms and empowering you to cement new, healthy beliefs, disregarding the negative ones. 21 days is the minimum timeframe that the subconscious takes to embed a new belief or habit.

Is it confidential?

Yes, it is completely confidential.


Missed appointments

I understand that sometimes things happen, if you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible.  If you cancel 48 hours before the appointment, you will be charged 30% of the appointment, 24 hours before, the charge will be 50% of the appointment. Missed appointments will be charged at 100% of the appointment.

Spotlight on....

I derive enormous satisfaction in helping people.  Here are examples of issues I can help with.

Focus on....

Fears & phobias

Fears are rooted in a past trauma or a deeply internalised negative experience. When we are born, we only fear two things: loud noises and falling. As we grow older, we acquire new fears and phobias which can always be reversed with the right thinking. You can let go of whatever is holding you back, and discover the power within you to choose to feel at complete ease.

Focus on....

Confidence & Self Esteem

Loving yourself changes the way you see yourself and the way other people see you. When you feel lovable and confident then you attract and maintain great relationships, friendships, and occupations. You can naturally generate high self-esteem and inner confidence that radiates out from within.

Focus on....


People can become addicted to all sorts of things. An addiction is an obsessive, uncontrollable and often harmful attachment to an activity, behaviour or substance. If you have a problem with drugs, there’s a wide range of services that can help. A key aim of hypnosis for addiction is to identify and work through the underlying causes.

Need more info?

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