"There is never a better time than now"

Let me help you...

Read Vicky's story

When I first spoke to Revi I was still grieving following a third failed round of IVF. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for a few years at this point and I seemed to have problems both getting and staying pregnant. We'd tried all sorts. Diet, vitamin supplements, acupuncture, medical intervention...My diagnosis of 'unexplained' infertility meant there was no obvious reason why I shouldn't be able to have a baby yet nothing seemed to work. We'd been unlucky at every opportunity.

You are not alone

Maybe your journey to date has been long. Maybe you've encountered many hurdles along the way. Maybe you've been told medically there is no obvious reason for you not conceiving.  Whatever your story, you are probably here because the idea of falling pregnant now seems an impossibility. 

Fertility can be a complex and emotional journey for many couples. While some couples are able to conceive relatively easily, others may experience delayed fertility, which can be a source of stress and anxiety. While there are many physical factors that can impact fertility, emotional factors can also play a role in delaying conception.

you are in the right place!

What causes delayed fertility?

There is a connection between emotional factors and delayed fertility. Studies have shown that stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on the body, including the reproductive system. Chronic stress can disrupt hormones and affect ovulation and sperm production, making it more difficult to conceive. Additionally, stress and anxiety can also impact the immune system, which can impact fertility by causing inflammation and increasing the risk of certain health conditions that can impact fertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.

In some cases, emotional fears and stress related to infertility can create a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions that can further impact fertility. Women who experience infertility may feel a sense of loss, grief, and anxiety, and these feelings can make it more difficult to conceive.  

Common factors include:

Difficulty getting pregnant - Many women with fertility issues may have diffculty conceiving or may experience infertility.

Emotional distress - Fertility issues can take a toll on women''s emotinal well-being, lading to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression.

Lack of information and support - Some women may feel alone and unsupported as they navigate the process of trying to conceive.

Financial burden - Fertility treatments can be costly and may not be covered by insurance, making i diffcult for some women to afford the care they need. 

Difficulty with relationships - Fertility issues can put a strain on relationships, leading to conflicts and feelings of isolation.

Societal pressure, guilt and shame - Societal pressure and stereotrypes about women's fertility and motherhood can make it difficult for women to talk openly about their fertility issues and seek help. 

all is not lost
Your journey to success starts here...

I know you can achieve this dream goal because I have helped many women like you achieve success.

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I'm Revi, and I want to help you

My name is Revi Price, and I am a trained RTT practioner.  Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and neuroscience to help individuals overcome emotional and psychological barriers to change. RTT has been shown to be effective in addressing a range of emotional and psychological issues, including those related to fertility.

In the context of delayed fertility, RTT can help individuals overcome negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that may be impacting their ability to conceive. This may include fears and anxieties related to infertility, negative body image, and past traumas. RTT can help to identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, allowing individuals to move forward with more positive thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

RTT can also help to address the emotional and psychological aspects of infertility, including feelings of loss, grief, and anxiety. By using hypnotherapy and visualization techniques, RTT can help individuals to relax and reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on fertility.

RTT can be used as an adjunctive therapy alongside medical treatments for delayed fertility, such as assisted reproductive technology (ART). By addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of fertility, RTT can help to increase the chances of successful conception and improve overall well-being.

It's important to note that RTT is not a substitute for medical treatment for fertility, and individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or therapy. However, when used in conjunction with medical treatment, RTT can be an effective tool for improving emotional and psychological well-being and increasing the chances of successful conception.

Imagine a different way to overcome fertility battles...

Watch a webinar!

Click on the play button below to sign up and watch my latest webinar. 

You will also receive an email with a link to the recording so you may watch it again at your leisure.


Fertility empowered

Break-through fertility support

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) can help patients overcome negative thought patterns and emotional fears that may

be affecting their ability to conceive.

Address emotional & psychological factors

Enhance medical treatment

Remove limiting negative thoughts  & behaviours

How does the programme work?

What you will get

1:1 consultation

All sessions are confidential and are 1:1 with me. 

Breakthrough RTT sessions

After the intial consultation, we will begin a treatment programme that is right for you. 

Audio recordings

You will be given a recording to take home and listen to for at least 21 days.

Fertility support group

Support is incredibly important.  You will be invited to join our support group to chat with other women who are on the same journey.

You're in good hands

" I am passionate about helping people be the very best that they can be and to have a positive outlook in their life."  

Read the founder of RTT, Marisa Peer's article on 20+ years of experience treating delayed fertility with RTT

Read Marisa's article here

Success stories

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Vicky's story

When I first spoke to Revi I was still grieving following a third failed round of IVF. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for a few years at this point and I seemed to have problems both getting and staying pregnant. We'd tried all sorts. Diet, vitamin supplements, acupuncture, medical intervention...My diagnosis of 'unexplained' infertility meant there was no obvious reason why I shouldn't be able to have a baby yet nothing seemed to work. We'd been unlucky at every opportunity.

I went into my first session with Revi open-minded but, in all honesty, without much hope. She was kind, compassionate and listened to my experiences of infertility so far. The first 'hypnosis' felt transformative in that I can't remember what we did in detail, but I can remember feeing deeply connected to myself and crying out a lot of pent up emotion; feeling lighter and more positive immediately. We went through a series of exercises that served to bring several old memories to the surface - all of which seemed trivial but had obviously stuck with me at an impressionable age.

My first memory regarded a conversation I overheard as a child about someone desperately wanting but being unable to have a family. This wasn't a surprise to me as I already had clear memories of this. At the time I was adamant I would never want kids so I remember praying that my childbearing abilities would be passed on to this friend of a friend. In recent years I held the belief that this was the reason I couldn't have kids - I'd asked for it!

My second memory was of a conversation with my mum about the traumatic arrival of my brother. I wasn't aware that this had instilled in me a certain level of fear around childbirth.

My third memory was entirely unexpected and centred around my teenage interest in horoscopes and numerology. I suddenly remembered how every astrological profile said that scorpios tended to suffer health problems with their reproductive system, and that numerology often said that I should have children young or not at all. I had not even thought about these things for decades yet it was significant enough to come to mind under hypnosis.

All of these thoughts were still taking up space in my brain and potentially causing me to not fully believe that I could or should be a mum.

After this, I had several more deeply relaxing sessions with Revi, guided through meditations affirmations and new , positive and tailored thought patterns. I also listened to recordings of the same before bed when I could. I nurtured the new pathways being created in my brain knowing that the more positive mindset would also help me to be physically ready for a change in luck.

Revi was one of the first people I told when our 4th attempt at IVF was successful. She continued to guide me through my healthy, textbook pregnancy despite my anxieties and in July 2022 I welcomed a happy healthy baby girl to the world.

Vicky - one of the lovely ladies I have successfully helped in their fertility journey

“I had a transformational RTT session with Revi Price! I was so grateful her instant understanding and empathy for me and my problem. Not only was I encouraged by her approachable and confident manner but also by the preparation that had gone into my personalised recording. Everything that we had uncovered about the root cause of my issue in the hypnosis session was beautifully transformed and I was left feeling like I had been set free from the blocks that had held me back. Listening to Revi’s calming words and voice in the recording has been truly healing. Thank you, Revi!"

Client 'A'

“I had some issues with blushing, low self esteem and lack of confidence, and the first thing I noticed about Revi was the compassion and the empathy she showed me. I felt completely safe to share my feelings and issues with her, and her professionality assured me that my secrets are safe with her. She seemed genuinely interested in helping me overcome my issues, and even though it's not yet been 21 days since our session I already feel more confident, calm and rooted.  I can highly recommend Revi as a RTT Therapist!"

Client 'B'

“I had a full RTT session with Revi and would recommend her therapy services. She put me at ease and made me feel totally relaxed from start to finish.   Revi helped me to understand the root cause of my issue and once I understood this, I was free from it. She did a really beautiful transformation for me and I found her voice to be calming and relaxing. It was a lovely experience.”

Client 'C'


Got a question?
  • How does RTT work?

    RTT works by accessing the unconscious mind, where limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns are stored. During an RTT session, a therapist will guide the individual into a state of hypnosis and use specific language and visualization techniques to help the individual identify and reprogram limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.

  • Is RTT the same as hypnosis?

    While RTT incorporates elements of hypnosis, it is a unique approach that is designed to help individuals overcome specific emotional and psychological barriers to change. Unlike traditional hypnosis, RTT combines hypnosis with other therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to help individuals achieve lasting change.

  • Is RTT safe?

    RTT is considered a safe and effective therapeutic approach when performed by a trained and licensed therapist. As with any therapeutic approach, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting RTT to ensure that it's safe and appropriate for you.

  • Does RTT work for everyone?

    RTT has been shown to be effective for many individuals, but results may vary. It's important to work with a qualified RTT therapist and to be open and willing to participate in the therapy for best results

  • Does RTT work in the most fertile years or after 40 too?

    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) can be effective for delayed fertility regardless of age. While it is true that fertility declines as individuals age, RTT works by addressing the root causes of delayed fertility, which can be emotional, psychological, or even physical.

    In fact, for individuals over 40 years old who may be experiencing age-related fertility issues, RTT can be particularly beneficial. By addressing any emotional blocks or limiting beliefs that may be contributing to delayed fertility, RTT can help individuals over 40 improve their chances of conceiving naturally or with assisted reproductive technologies.

    It's important to note that RTT is not a replacement for medical treatments or interventions for fertility issues, but rather a complementary therapy that can help support the overall process of conceiving a child. It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or fertility specialist in addition to seeking alternative therapies like RTT.

  • How can I improve the quality of my eggs?

    Improving the quality of your eggs can be a complex process that involves several factors. However, there are several things you can do to support and optimize the health of your eggs:

    Maintain a healthy diet: A healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide essential nutrients that support egg health.

    Reduce stress: High levels of stress can negatively impact fertility and egg health. Incorporating stress-reducing practices like meditation, yoga, or regular exercise can be helpful.

    Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have been linked to decreased fertility and poor egg quality.

    Consider supplements and antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E which have been shown to support egg health.

    Consult with a fertility specialist: If you're struggling with fertility or egg quality, it's important to consult with a fertility specialist who can provide personalised recommendations and treatment options.

    It's important to note that improving egg quality is a gradual process, and results may not be immediate. Consistency and patience are key when working to optimise egg health.

  • How do I know if there is an emotional block I need to work on that is stopping me falling pregnant?

    It can be difficult to identify emotional blockages that may be preventing you from getting pregnant, as they may be deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind. However, here are some signs that you may have emotional blocks that are affecting your fertility:

    You have been trying to conceive for a long time without success, despite having no medical issues that would prevent pregnancy.

    You have a history of trauma or emotional stress, such as the loss of a loved one, a job, or a relationship.

    You have negative thoughts and emotions related to fertility and parenthood, such as fear, anxiety, or guilt.

    You have a low sense of self-worth or self-esteem, and feel that you do not deserve to have a child.

    You have unresolved emotional issues that may be impacting your ability to conceive, such as unresolved grief, anxiety, or depression.

    If you have any of these signs, it may be worth considering seeking the help of a qualified therapist who specializes in fertility issues and can guide you through the process of identifying and addressing any emotional blocks that may be impacting your fertility. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is one such therapy that has been shown to be effective in helping people overcome emotional barriers that may be preventing them from getting pregnant.

  • What are the common pregnancy blockers?

    ​​​In over thirty years of working with women who were having difficulty conceiving, Marisa Peer has identified the same blocks that come up over and over again.​

    Marisa Peer’s Common Pregnancy Blocks:

    Fear of the birth.

    Fear of hospitals.

    Fear of losing control of your body.

    Guilt or trauma from losing a baby.

    Fear of being a bad parent.

    Fear of losing your independence.

    Fear of the baby.

    Fear the baby will grow up and reject you.

    Fear of abandonment from your partner.

    Fear of the baby interfering in your relationship.

    Fear of not loving the baby.

    Fear of age.​

    Read more here:

  • I lost a baby, how do I get over that?

    Marisa Peer says: “Losing a baby is traumatic and overwhelming, and many women in this situation tell themselves, “I can never go through this again.” This is a direct instruction to the mind to ensure you never do go through it again by never becoming pregnant again.

    When women have lost a baby, they can feel terribly guilty that their body failed the baby. They have more guilt that having another child will make them forget the one they lost.

    Many women who terminate a pregnancy feel guilt and punish themselves at a subconscious level, by denying themselves another baby, even though they are unaware that they are doing this. Their mind believes that being pregnant will bring up bad memories, so therefore pregnancy is best avoided.”

    Marisa explains more in her free article The Hidden Causes Of Infertility, where she says “our mind has the most powerful potential on the planet. Once you learn how to dialogue with it to work with you, not against you, you can harness your powerful subconscious mind to help you conceive. Learn how to overcome the stress response and prime your body ready for the arrival of your baby. I look forward to hearing about your success stories.”

    These are some of the many success stories, photos and letters Marisa is proud to have received from happy clients who welcomed these little ones into the world thanks to RTT…

    Read more here:

  • I keep having miscarriages, can RTT help?

    Marisa explains: “You may have subconscious blocks that you are not even aware of. For example, I have clients who, during a hypnosis session with me, have gone back to the most simple, yet profound images. One remembered being a child watching a western where a woman was screaming repeatedly as she gave birth and died in extreme pain. That child said to herself, “I am never going to go through that.”​​​​​​​​​​​

    Another client remembered being in her mother’s arms as her mother described childbirth to her friends, saying,”Oh, it was agony, I thought I was going to be ripped in half, and I thought I was dying from the pain. I bled non-stop and it went on for two days. It was brutal and horrendous.” That child had a similar thought: “I am never going to let that happen to me.”

    I have witnessed clients who remember their own birth whilst in hypnosis. If it was very traumatic and frightening, it is the only experience of birth the subconscious has, and its job is to ensure that the person does not experience birth again, including giving birth herself.

    The subconscious mind is not logical. It’s motivated by making sure you avoid anything that you link pain to, and only you can change this. Hypnosis and Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ work directly with the subconscious.

    Read more here:

Are you ready to see results?

This programme will be right for you if you wish to:

  • Address the root cause of emotional and psychological issues, rather than just treating the symptoms.
  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that are holding you back.
  • Achieve lasting change.
  • Improve emotional and psychological well-being, leading to increased confidence, self-esteem, and success in achieving personal goals.

RTT sessions are usually short and results can be achieved quickly.

RTT is performed by trained and licensed therapists, ensuring a safe and effective experience.

RTT is non-invasive and does not require medication, making it a natural and holistic approach to therapy.

What are you waiting for?

Imagine where you could be this time next year if you begin your journey today.

Start the next step in your journey today

Begin your journey to parenthood now.

Use the calendar to book your 1 hour Clarity Call.

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